How to Build
Basic House
Advanced House
Solitary Bee House
Solitary Bee House

- 1 (6" or larger diameter, and 6" or longer, also untreated and non-cedar; cedar contains a natural insecticide which may be harmful to bees)
- Various Drill Bits between 1/8" and 5/16"
Step 1: Turn log so that it is standing straight up with one of its flat ends on the work surface
Step 2: Take your drill or drill press and insert a drill bit between 1/8" and 5/16"
Step 3: Make as many 4"-7" holes as possible, while not drilling into other holes or through the back of the log. Do this by drilling a few holes with one bit, and then moving on to another, and repeat with various drill bits from the range listed above. (Do not drill all the way through.) It is recommended that you make a tape line on your drill bit at the correct depth, so that you know where to stop drilling.
Step 4: This is optional. Take some rectangular pieces of wood and screw to the top of the log to form a roof. Though not required, highly recommended so that precipitation runs off onto the ground, rather than just seeping into the house and ruining it.
Step 5: Decorate, and hang or mount in the way that you see fit. Please see the placement guidelines above.
Visit the Maintenance page to learn how to maintain your bee house!
Mounting Suggestions: A chain mounted with screws or bolts. Mount the house to a pole and drive/insert into the ground. Attach a board to the back and screw the board to a tree.
- One 1"x 8" x 4' natural wood board (untreated and non-cedar; cedar contains a natural insecticide which may be harmful to bees)
- A box of 1 5/8" deck screws
- Hollow plant stems (like milkweed) with internal diameters ranging between 1/8" and 5/16". Alternatively, you can use about 15 bamboo poles (6ft in length) approximately 5/16" in diameter.
- 7/64" drill bit
- Paper (to form paper tubes for easier maintenance)
Step 1: Cut the board according to the free template.
Step 2: Attach both of the sides onto the width of the bottom. Pre-drill the holes with a 7/64" drill bit before inserting the screws. When drilling in screws, be careful not to split the wood.
Step 3: Attach the back onto the sides and the bottom. Be careful where you drill. You might drill into another screw.
Step 4: Attach the roof on top of the sides and back.
Step 5: Cut the stems/bamboo so they are 7" in length. If there is a knot in the bamboo in the middle of your cut, make sure to drill through it.
Step 6: Insert as many of the stems/bamboo pieces into the house as you can
Step 7: Decorate, and hang or mount in the way that you see fit. Please see the placement guidelines above.
Visit the Maintenance page to learn how to maintain your bee house!
Mounting Suggestions: A chain mounted with screws or bolts. Mount the house to a pole and drive/insert into the ground. Attach a board to the back and screw the board to a tree.
Click here to download a PDF of these instructions.
Click here to download a PDF of these instructions.
Bumblebee House

- One 1” x 8” x 8’ natural wood board (untreated and non-cedar; cedar contains a natural insecticide which may be harmful to bees)
- Two pieces of corrugated cardboard: 4 ½” x 5 ⅝” and 7 ¼” x 5 ⅝”
- Some Upholstery Cotton
- Two screens for vent holes, each 2” x 2”
- One paint stirring stick
- 7/64” Drill Bit
- 1 ⅝” Deck Screws
Step 1: Cut the board into four 7 ¼” by 13 ¾” pieces and three 7 ¼” by 5 ⅝” pieces
Step 2: Print out “Bumblebee House Template #1.” Once printed, trim template to size. The template is not the full size of the 7 ¼” by 13 ¾” board, so please line the paper up with their respective edges (as labeled on the paper). Cut the circle (as pictured on template) out of the board. ONLY do this to TWO of your four 7 ¼” by 13 ¾” boards, set the uncut (and cut) boards aside.
Step 3: Print out “Bumblebee House Template #2.” Once printed, trim template to size. The template is the full size of the 7 ¼” by 5 ⅝” board, so please line the paper up with their respective edges (as labeled on the paper). Cut the circle (as pictured on template) out of the board. ONLY do this to TWO of your three 7 ¼” by 5 ⅝” boards, set the uncut (and cut) boards aside.
Step 4: Take one of the cut 7 ¼” by 13 ¾” pieces and attach to the left side of an uncut 7 ¼” by 13 ¾” piece. Attach by first drilling three pilot holes, one in the front, back, and middle of the bottom of the board centered under the cut piece. Drill up through the bottom of the uncut piece into the cut piece. The cut piece should sit on top of the uncut piece, otherwise you will encounter problems later on. Be sure to ALWAYS have the ROUGH SIDE of the wood facing OUT.
Step 5: Attach front (one cut 7 ¼” x 5 ⅝” piece) in the same manner, except this time drilling through the side of the cut 7 ¼” by 13 ¾” piece into the cut 7 ¼” x 5 ⅝” piece.
Step 6: Attach the middle piece (the second cut 7 ¼” x 5 ⅝” piece) in the same manner as the front. The front of this piece should be 4 ½” from the inside of the front wall.
Step 7: Attach the back wall (the uncut piece of 7 ¼” x 5 ⅝” wood) in the same manner as the front, except this time attaching at the very back of the bottom board (while still remaining on top of the board).
Step 8: Attach the second cut 7 ¼” by 13 ¾” piece by drilling pilot holes with the 7/64” drill bit from the side into each of the skinnier sides (front, middle, back). Then screw together using the deck screws.
Step 9: Place the small piece of corrugated cardboard within the small section of the interior of the house (it should fit perfectly, or as close to perfect as possible). Insert the large section in the same manner, with the same expectations.
Step 10: Tear up, then ball up the upholstery cotton to form a ball that is approximately 6 inches in diameter. Place inside the large section of the interior of the house and gently press to flatten ever so slightly.
Step 11: Take the 2” x 2” screens and staple to the interior of each hole in either of the larger walls (7 ¼” by 13 ¾” pieces). These should cover the whole hole.
Step 12: Attach roof to top of house by drilling a few pilot holes around the perimeter of the house, then screw together with deck screws.
Step 13: Cut two 2 ½” pieces from the paint stirring stick. Gently tack on to the outside of the house to cover the holes with screening. Close these in the winter, during colder seasons, and when precipitation is falling. Open in Summer/nice weather.
Step 14: Decorate and mount in the way that you see fit!
Mounting Suggestions: A chain mounted with screws or bolts. Mount the house to a pole and drive insert into the ground. Attach a board to the back and screw the board to a tree.
Click here to download a PDF of these instructions.